It hasn’t been since the early 1900s that Canada has attracted over 400,000 permanent residents in a year, but this year could pass that number. Right now, Canada is on track to reach the goal of attracting 401,000 new permanent residents by the end of 2021. June and July both had record months with 39,500 and 35,700 new permanent residents respectively. The total so far this year is now over 180,000. Canadian Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino said the country is ahead of where they predicted they would be at this time of the year. He reported the government is continuing to accelerate the speed of landing new permanent residents. If you are looking for new opportunities in a free and diverse country, contact Canadian Visa Expert today! The team of authorized Canadian immigration consultants they work with can help you choose the best visa option for you and your family. You may be able to live and work in Canada sooner than you think!

Canada saw the number of new permanent residents in the country decrease from 341,000 in 2019 to 185,000 in 2020 due to the global pandemic. To make up for lost numbers, the country has pushed immigration by using programs that allow temporary residents already living in Canada to obtain permanent residency more quickly. Mendicino commented that by granting temporary residents’ permanent residency, more immigrants will put down roots in communities. By accelerating the Canadian immigration numbers, it will help short-term recovery for the economy, and take off long-term demographic pressure.
Contact Canadian Visa Expert today and begin the path to a new life of opportunity.